Bharatanatyam Performance by Divya Ravi, 30.Aug.2024


Omkara School of Indian Dance invites you to Bhartanatyam performance by Divya Ravi on 30th Aug, 7:00 pm, at the Salle communale des délices, 18 Rte de Colovrex, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex.

Divya Ravi is a Bharatanatyam practitioner, performing artiste, choreographer, and educator. An Electrical & Electronics Engineer holding a postgraduate MBA in Marketing, Divya navigated a career in Branding and Communications, while evolving and establishing herself as a sensitive, thinking artiste. Today, she is recognized as a prominent young soloist in the South Asian Dance arena – her immersive performances are backed by conviction and ownership of the movement vocabulary, finesse and fluidity in expressions and innate musicality.

Entrance is free for the performance but there will be a collection at the end for the audience to show their appreciation.