Sanskriti Yoga Festival, 02.Jul.2023

Sanskriti Yoga Festival, 02.Jul.2023

The Sanskriti Foundation organizes a Yoga Festival every year with the desire to promote yoga and spiritual well-being as a way of life. Through cultural events and workshops, the foundation is actively involved in bringing yoga to everyday life and making it...
Maison de retrait- Val Fleuri, 27.May.2023

Maison de retrait- Val Fleuri, 27.May.2023

Val Fleuri is a retirement home in Champel, Geneva. The dancers and the dances were greatly appreciated by the elderly at the home. For them it was a journey to India and its culture through the visual media – dance. The students performed with great joy and the...
Fete de La danse, 13.May.2023

Fete de La danse, 13.May.2023

 The whole of Switzerland celebrates dance! “This is an annual event that takes place in public spaces, with initiations to 1001 dances and multidisciplinary formulas as joyful as they are reflective. Each year for a week in May the whole of Switzerland awakens and...
Reha Swiss, Bern, 29.Apr.2023

Reha Swiss, Bern, 29.Apr.2023

REHASWiSS was founded as an association in 1977 by Joseph Aerthott together with friends from Switzerland. Joseph grew up in Kerala, India, then studied psychology in Switzerland and then worked for the Swiss Disability Insurance (IV) in Bern for a long time....